Giustino Fortunato (1848-1932) was a southern Italian writer,
historian and politician. (He is not to be confused with
his uncle of the same name, who was the prime minister
of the Kingdom of the Two
Sicilies from 1849 to 1852.)
1861, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies —i.e. the
entire southern half of the Italian peninsula plus the
island of Sicily— was joined by
force to the north, thus creating the modern
nation state of Italy. There arose immediately a species
of socio-political thinker called the “meridionalista”
(precisely: “southernist”), someone concerned with what
was called “the problem of the south.” That
problem, briefly expressed in the northern cliché of
the day —many of which still persist (as does the
phrase “problem of the south")— was that the liberal
industrializing north had inherited a backward, feudal
state and had taken on the task of trying to fix what
was wrong with it. The southern cliché was that the south was not that backward to
begin with and had simply lost a war and was paying
the price exacted by the victors, less interested in
pan-Italian equality than in using the newly conquered
provinces as a colony.
Somewhere in between these extremes,
perhaps, was Giustino Fortunato, a southerner and a
political moderate, which meant that he accepted the
irrevocable unity of the new nation and dedicated
himself to creating the conditions by which the south
could play an equal role in that nation. In his
84 years as a writer, historian, and politician, he
lived through the entire risorgimento
(the movement to unite Italy); he saw the new nation’s
colonial expansion into Africa, her involvement in WWI
and the rise to power of Benito Mussolini (whom he
opposed). Fortunato was witness to all the difficulties
of being a southerner in the new nation; indeed, he saw
his own home area near Potenza dramatically depopulated
by emigration from the
south between 1880 and WWI. He
remained one of the most articulate spokesman for the
view that creating a new nation involved more than just
conquering an old one. (#See notes 1
& 2, below.)
studied at the Jesuit College in Naples and then studied
law at the university there; he founded two journals: Unità Nazionale
[National Unity] and Patria
[Nation]. He declared himself a moderate —not left, not
right— interested only in the “civil reconstruction” of
the nation. He left behind an important book from 1911,
Il Mezzogiorno e lo Stato Italiano [The South and
the Italian State.] It was a collection of 30 years of
his writings and speeches. He did not
hesitate to express what many in the south felt. In
1899, he wrote:
The unification of Italy was, perhaps, our economic ruin. In 1860, we were in complete condition for an economic reawakening, healthy and profitable. Unification left us behind. If that weren’t enough, it showed, contrary to what many think, that the Italian state sinks its financial resources into the north much more than into the south.
note 1: There is a revealing passage in Cinel (below), citing Fortunato as saying to a northern colleague in the Chamber of Deputies, "We were still in the Middle Ages and all of a sudden you northerners pushed us into the modern world. Gunshots were the most powerful argument you had to convince us not to oppose national unification." To this, the northerner replied, "Had we known then what we now now, we would not have fought for political unification. This was an honest mistake on our part, stemming from a set of erroneous assumptions about the true nature of the south..."
One of the erroneous northern assumptions was that the south was some sort of a giant, fertile bread-basket. (Even Cavour, the first prime minister of united Italy, said that "within 20 years," the south would be the most productive part of Italy.) Except for the two large centers of population, Naples and Palermo, the south was, at the time of unification, largely rural; that much is true, but, beyond Campania, much of the land was not particularly well-suited to farming. Even where it was, land-management policies in the south were medieval hold-overs; absentee tenancy and management were the rule and in no way easy to incorporate into the new nation. The new national government started publishing studies in the 1870s on the true nature of the agrarian situation in the south; Fortunato was one of those who helped reveal to the rest of the nation just how different the south really was.
(^ to text)
note 2: There is a great deal of picking and choosing in supporting one's point of view. There are "nostalgic" Bourbon sources that—while ignoring the disastrous agrarian situation—take pains to point out that by the standards of early industrialization, the south was at least on a par with the combined states of the northern part of the peninsula: a larger navy and mercantile fleet, comparable gross national product, similar per capita number of hospitals and doctors, etc. So pick and choose away! (^ to text)
to history portal to top of this pagebibliography:
—Cinel, Dino. (2002) chapter:"The emergence of a national problem: the south." in The National Integration of Italian Return Migration, 1870-1929. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
—Fortunato, Giustino. (1911) Il Mezzogiorno e lo Stato Italiano [The South and the Italian State], Bari, Italy, pub. Laterza;
—Gramsci, Antonio (1926). "Some Aspects of the Southern Question" in Antonio Gramsci: pre-prison writings. Cambridge University Press, 1994. Edited by Richard Bellamy, translator: Virginia Cox.
—Kogan, Norman. (1968) Review of Italy from Liberalism to Fascism, 1870-1925 by Christopher Seton-Watson (London: Methuen, 1967), in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 378;
—Reece, Jack E. (1992) Review of La Questione Meridionale Prima Dell'Intervento Straordinario by Amedeo Lepore (in Uomini e cose della nuova Italia, number 40. Manduria, Italy, pub. Piero Lacaita), in The American Historical Review, Vol. 97, No. 3.