John Lawson Stoddard
(1850 – 1931) was an American lecturer, author and
photographer. He was a pioneer in the use of the
stereopticon or magic lantern, adding photographs to
his popular lectures about his travels around the
world. Because he published books related to his
travels, he is credited with developing the genre of
travelogues. In 1935, Daniel Crane Taylor wrote,
Stoddard's rise to fame was spectacular
and unprecedented in the annals of American
entertainers. No American lecturer, musician or
actor has ever won so large a following in so short
a time. From his second season, almost every lecture
was sold out…He filled Daly's Theatre, one of the
largest in New York, fifty times a season for ten
years. …This would mean that Stoddard alone drew
approximately one hundred thousand persons in New
York each year.
Stoddard wrote countless books,
pamphlets, and translations. That he is today obscure
is today obscure is as interesting as his rise to
fame. It may be that he made some poor political
choices in his life, such as siding with the Central
Powers in WWI (that is, Germany, the "bad guys"). In
any cases, eventually he moved to northern Italy and
converted to Roman Catholicism. Stoddard died in 1931
at his villa near Merano, SouthTyrol, Italy at the age
of 81.
His 1894 travel book A Trip
Around the World contains this passage about the
Santa Lucia section of Naples:
Naples is the noisiest city in the world,
and the quay of Santa Lucia is the place where the
Neapolitan uproar asserts itself most loudly. Wheels
are clattering, whips are cracking, donkies are
braying, minstrels are singing, and men, women and
children are screaming, shouting and quarreling, as
if all Bedlam had broken loose. Sound sleep is here
impossible. The arms of Morpheus refuse to embrace
the ever-noisy Santa Lucia. Crowds listen with
delight to men who are often clad in rags, but who
repeat whole cantos of Italian poetry with that
passionate fervor which makes the Italian a natural
actor. Public letter-writers pursue their avocation
here for the benefit of those who can not themselves
write. Toilettes are also here performed al fresco,
and hair dressing is an invariable feature of most
of the doorways. Naples has been truly described as
a ‘Paradise inhabited by devils;’ but they are such
amusing, merry devils that one does not altogether
object to the pandemonium which its streets present.
. . . How a photographer ever contrived to represent
this street as tranquil and deserted as it here
appears, is difficult to imagine, unless he chose
for the experiment the noontide hour of a broiling
summer day.