The Paglicci cave was discovered in the 1950s and has had the typical roller-coaster ride of public and scholarly attention, going from enthusiasm to neglect and every stop along the way. There is apparently always danger of the cave collapsing. Need money for that. The museum is not yet open. Need money for that. August 13 of 2016 has already been set aside as the First National Paglicci Grotto Day. Really need money for that!
The pestle-like grinding tool in Paglicci was discovered in 1989. Recent studies have found traces of oats on the tool. According to Marta Lippi, a botany professor at the University of Florence and lead author of the recent report, the tool dates back some 32,000 years and is the earliest evidence of food processing in Europe; that is, evidence of the refinement of grain to make such things as porridge. So, they are not just hunting and gathering. They are making real cave-man breakfasts!
*Original article
entitled "Multistep food plant
processing at Grotta Paglicci
(Southern Italy) around 32,600 cal
B.P." in the on-line version of PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Sept 29, 2015, vol. 112 no. 39. Reported here. Article abstract:
The area of Rignano Garganico has taken to calling itself the "Prehistoric capital of Italy" —maybe with good reason. The Paglicci cave is the best-known and best documented site, but there are others such as the paleolithic Grotta Spagnoli, the neolithic village of Villanova (not the same as the Villanova type site near Bologna), the megalithic dolmen of Madre di Cristo, and notably, the string of caves in the Valley of Ividoro I, noted for their wall graffiti and designs in coal and red ocher. The best single local museum to see much of this material is the National Archaeological Museum of Manfredonia, the largest city on the Gargano.
The National Archeological Museum of Manfredonia
The National Archeological Museum of Manfredonia is on Corso Manfredi 71043 in the city of Manfredonia. It is housed in the large Swabian castle of Manfredonia. It holds the most significant display of archaeological artifacts discovered in the Capitanata and Gargano regions, including the Daunian steles, stone funerary monuments constructed by the Daunians, an Iapygian tribe which inhabited Apulia in classical antiquity. Daunian stelae were made from the end of the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC. Daunian refers to one of three related tribes of a an earlier group termed, collectively, Iapygians, but who developed separate archaeological cultures by the seventh century BC. The Swabian-Angevin Castle was built in the 13th century by Manfred of Swabia, son of emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, to defend the new city built for the inhabitants of nearby Siponto, made uninhabitable by expanding marshland. Besides archaeological items artifacts, the museum displays valuable evidence of the existence of ancient Dauniae populations. The Museum has planned their displays with insight to make archaeology accessible to the public in general, with a special focus on young visitors.
Recent insights from molecular biology and DNA analysis seem to show a genetic continuum from Croatia in the Adriatic to Spain and Portugal, excluding some larger islands such as Crete. This is supported by comparative archaeology and comparative linguistics. Some of this is tenuous since the further back you go, the more random "static" interferes with real information. In any event, the National Archeological Museum of Manfredonia is a world-class museum and they have done a fine job.
Scroll from the top of this page for more information on the Gargano peninsula.
Especially, see this link.